Cookie Policy



This chapter describes the Platform's policy in relation to the processing of users' personal data in connection with so-called "cookies" and "widgets."

What are cookies?

Cookies are text files deposited in the user's browser by sites/apps or servers while browsing the web. Thanks to cookies, such sites or servers are able to recognize the browser during browsing and thereafter. Cookies help to improve the user's online experience, for example by preserving the preferences expressed by the user over time or by preventing the user from having to log in at each page change. Cookies can also be used to track user behavior online, resulting in an impact on user privacy.

What are social media plug-ins and widgets?

Social plug-ins consist of optional software modules that link websites to social media in order to enable users to easily interact with content on the sites (e.g., "Like" or share through Facebook an interesting content on the Site). Social plug-ins include so-called "widgets," graphical command elements that are placed in the corresponding sections of the Websites in order to allow the user to access the functionality of the plug-in. By clicking on the widget, the user promotes the widget on the corresponding social media with a simple click. If the user activates the plug-in, his or her browser makes a direct connection to the servers of the plug-in provider (e.g., Facebook). The content of the plug-in is transmitted directly from the respective provider to the user's browser and inserted into the page. With the use of social plug-ins, certain personal information is transmitted to and processed by the plug-in provider. Even if the user is not a social media registrant, there is a possibility that they will collect the IP address via the social media plug-in. If the user is a registered user, the social media plug-in may link the web page visit to the personal profile in the social media plug-in. If the user interacts with a plug-in, the relevant information will be transmitted directly to the servers of the plug-in provider. The information will also be published on the social media and thus shown to the user's contacts or made public (in the case of a public profile).

The types of cookies

Cookies can be divided into various types. Considering the entity that deposits the cookie on the user's terminal, if it coincides with the owner of the site visited, the cookie is called a "first-party" cookie, while if it is a third-party site/server, the cookie is called a "third-party" cookie. Considering the duration of the cookie, "session" cookies are deposited as the site is accessed and are therefore deleted when the browser is closed. In contrast, "persistent" cookies remain stored in the device after the browser is closed (and until the cookie expires). Considering the purpose of the cookie, a particular distinction should be made between "technical" cookies and "profiling" cookies. Technical cookies make web browsing possible, respectively the provision of the service requested by the user. They are not used for other purposes and are generally managed by the owner of the site visited. "Analytics" or "statistical" cookies are assimilated to technical cookies where they are used directly by the site owner to collect information, in aggregate form, about the number of users and how they interact with the site. Profiling cookies are generally third-party cookies used to set up a profile of users based on their online behavior and habits in order to present them with personalized advertising messages.

What cookies does the Platform implement?

In general:

The Platform implements persistent technical and statistical-analytical cookies, in particular for the purpose of customizing the configuration of the Platform, analyzing users' use of the Platform, maintaining active navigation, analyzing traffic flow, ensuring security, as well as for the purpose of system administration.


This site is built on the standard Squarespace platform. Technical navigation data is managed independently by according to its own
policy described at These data are in no way known or available to Events and Congress Division, City of Lugano and are the sole responsibility of This category may include data such as: the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation addresses of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the user's operating system and computer environment. Any use of cookies is also the sole responsibility of


The services contained in this section allow the Data Controller to monitor and analyze traffic data and are used to track User behavior.
Squarespace Analytics (Squarespace, Inc.)
Squarespace Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Squarespace, Inc. ("Squarespace"). Squarespace uses the Personal Data collected for the purpose of tracking and examining the use of this Web Site, compiling reports and sharing them with other services developed by Squarespace.
Place of processing: United States -
Privacy Policy.. Privacy Shield Adherent.


Users have the option of setting their browsers to either inform them of the receipt of a cookie or block cookies (either generically or by type of cookie or even by originating site). Generalized cookie blocking, since the same applies to technical cookies as well, can result in severe limitations in the use of the Platform (particularly the Site). The user has the option to delete cookies from the browser's memory, as well as to set the browser to automatically delete cookies when closing the program (recommended choice).

By default, browsers automatically accept cookies. Instructions for disabling or deleting cookies can be found on the website of the developer of your browser; we refer to the following instructions for the most common browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer and Edge; Google Chrome; Apple Safari; Mozilla Firefox and Opera.

There are additional methods to reduce the risk of online tracking, including (cumulatively):

Enable the DoNotTrack option on the browser (if available);

Use the "private" or "anonymous" browsing feature of your browser (if available), which prevents cookies from being kept on your device after browsing;

Install privacy plug-ins on the browser such as, for example, uBlock Origin, Privacy Badger or Ghostery;

Exercise the right to be excluded from specific behavioral advertising schemes (e.g., DAA Consumer Opt-Out Page; NAI Consumer Opt-Out Page).

Social media plug-in

If the user wants to reduce the risk of social media relating the data collected by the Platform to the personal profile in the respective social media, we recommend logging out of the respective social media and deleting all browsing data from the browser before visiting our web pages. The user can also prevent the loading of plug-ins altogether with specialized browser add-ons (recommended solution), such as, for example, NoScript or Ghostery.


The legal relationship between you and the owner of the Site with respect to your access to and use of the Site (and related resources) is governed by Swiss substantive law, excluding the rules of private international law.

The parties choose the Magistrate's Court of Lugano (TI) as the court of exclusive jurisdiction in the event of a dispute arising out of or simply related to the use of the Site. The owner of the Site reserves the right to bring the matter before the court of competent jurisdiction at the registered office, branch or domicile of the user.

Effective date: 29.05.2022