"The passion to play our music is always the same" - Interview with Samuel of The Two Romans

The Two Romans was formed in 2015 by brothers Samuele and Mattia Zanella; in the same year they won the Emergenza Bandcontest and performed at the Taubertal Festival in Germany. Between 2015 and 2017 they independently release three EP albums, attracting the attention of a well-known music publisher, Schedler Music, with whom they sign as songwriters for other artists. In 2020, they released their first album "Everything.Now!", which charted at the 4th position of Swiss albums (4th overall in Switzerland), their songs were played on the radio in Switzerland as well as in Germany, England and Holland.

Which of the two Romans decided to start the band? What were your reference bands?
I would say it was an idea of both of us. We each had an independent solo project, and at some point we started doing some gigs together, so we asked ourselves, why not start playing together and reach further afield? So my brother joined me in Switzerland (where he had been living since 2009), and with my knowledge of music, we quickly put together a band. When we started in 2015 we were crazy about Mumford and Sons, so our beginnings were quite folkie.

Some years you worked with a publishing company, writing for other musicians. Did this transition change the way you compose music?
It was very interesting to see and experience the behind-the-scenes of the music industry; we also did a couple of sessions with other songwriters. This experience has allowed us to enter more into this world, to write for other musicians-which we really enjoy. That said, the passion and desire to play as much as possible and tour countries with our music is still the same.

What's the best aspect of playing on tour?
Without a doubt being on the road with the band: we're all good friends and it's great to spend so much time together - especially since some of us are fathers and so there are fewer opportunities to do that, besides the suspension of concerts due to the pandemic. Being on a stage and singing your thoughts to hundreds of people, visiting places you've never been and meeting new people - all wonderful things.

How did you discover La Quairmesse? What does playing in this context mean to you?
I discovered La Quairmesse through Fernando, whom I met some time ago in Zurich. We like playing in Ticino: in the past we played in Locarno at Moon & Stars, and in Lugano at Rete Tre's Showcase during Pandemic. In Ticino we can speak Italian (so from the heart) - we haven't played in Italy yet, Ticino is the closest place to Italy we have come to.

What do you expect from this experience?
I hope that people are willing to have fun and are open to discovering new music and new emotions, or rediscovering emotions that have been somewhat hidden these past two years. I think people are happy and grateful to have more freedom and to be able to enjoy life together a little more.

The Two Romans play at LongLake La Quairmesse Festival on 07/30 at 7:30 pm at the Grove of Ciani Park.

More information: laquairmesse.ch and longlake.ch


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