"It must be a party!" - Interview with Valentino Vivace

Valentino Vivace grew up in the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland and having studied in French and German-speaking Switzerland, he was confronted with many musical realities. He is thus inspired by different genres and currents, especially those from the Mediterranean region, but also from international currents such as Australian indie, Norwegian space disco and more. He thus moves between more danceable songs inspired by the Italo disco era, and more dreamy and floating songs laden with nostalgia. The result is a unique mélange that could be compared to his favorite cocktail: the Campari Spritz. Aromatic and satisfying, it charges you with sparkling energy and envelops you with moments of sweetness. The two singles, "How Never" and "The Balance," released in the past few months, anticipate a studio album due out at the end of the year.

How did your passion for music start?
I don't remember exactly, but at home we always listened to a lot of music (CDs) and I loved it. I was always dancing and liked to drum on all the things I found around. Then, when I was in middle school, I started listening to a lot of music with an iPod and started playing drums. From there I never stopped 

How do three different language regions converge in your music?
They converge very spontaneously, I don't even think about it that much. I'm used to traveling a lot and I like to be carried along by the currents.

Two singles released in the past few months anticipate an album coming at the end of the year. Can you tell us a bit about the production and recording?
If all goes well the album will be released at the end of this year, it's a journey I started over a year ago and I would like to share the songs I'm playing now again this year. I wrote, recorded and produced everything by myself in my studio in Zurich during the lockdown. It was one of the most productive times for me, I had a lot of fun and had a lot of time to myself since everything was locked down. Some things I then re-recorded with my musicians at AKA Studio in Lausanne earlier this year to finalize the songs.

On the one hand the digital aspect of social media and streaming; on the other hand the traditional aspect of live concerts. What does being a musician mean to you today?
Being a musician today for me means being very flexible and open to everything. I love playing live, at the same time the social media aspect is equally important and I would like to invest more time in that as well.

How did you discover La Quairmesse? What does playing there mean to you?
At La Quairmesse I had played there in 2019 with the Bumblebees. Growing up in Lugano, it's always very special to play there and I can't wait to dance with everyone!!!

What do you expect from this experience?
I would love to see a lot of people willing to listen and sip my music like a Campari Spritz. It must be a party!

Valentino Vivace plays at LongLake La Quairmesse Festival on 07/30 at 10pm at the Grove of Ciani Park.

More information: laquairmesse.ch and longlake.ch


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